When two of Aaron’s sons were killed by the Lord as judgment for sin, Moses quickly told Aaron: “Do not tear your clothes, or you will die” (Leviticus 10:6).
Appropriate! Why would it be a sin for him but a blessing for others?
The answer lies in the privilege that high priests enjoyed: access to the presence of God. – holy place, holy of Holies, mercy seat,
— tearing one’s garments – expressing overwhelming grief over a disaster.
Here’s the point – someone who has access to the presence of God regards nothing as hopeless
If a priest were to tear his robes for personal grief, he would implicitly affirm that life presents problems for which God has no solutions. And that is never true. The God who is love, the God of eternity, the infinite, personal God who at once lives in the hearts of his people and sovereignly directs the flow of history is sufficient for every situation. Nothing takes him by surprise. No problem is beyond his power to master. There is no possible event in life for which his grace is not sufficient. People who can approach this God directly must not despair. To do so implies that God is impotent to work for eternal good in our set of circumstances.
Every member of the body of Christ is a priest (1 Peter 2:5).
We have unlimited access, a blood bought invitation, to live in the presence of God.
Hebrews 4:14–16 (HCSB): Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens—Jesus the Son of God—let us hold fast to the confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.
God is full of grace towards us, He is working all things together for good. No matter how dark things may look, we have reason to hope!
We can choose despair and commit our energy to finding relief – by numbing or fixing or…
Remain steadfast in our commitment to Christ knowing he will comfort, he will guide, he will bring us through so that we can tell others – there is hope in Jesus Christ.
Amazing grace! We deserve to endure the consequences of every sin we have ever committed, to suffer the loss of all that is good. Instead we are provided with the resources of our Great High Priest, who pleads our case before the divine Judge — and we are acquitted. Not only are we declared justified, but we are awarded the eternal care and protection of the Judge himself. The holy Judge steps out from behind the bench and reveals himself as our loving Father.