Doctrine is for life!

“Doctrine is for life! If the truth does not mold the way we live and minister, if it does not inform our speech, our relationships, our prayer, our worship, and our ministry, then the truth has gone bad on us – no...

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“No You Don’t”

I boarded a plane for Boston this morning and witnessed something that grabbed my attention. A man, we’ll call him Wisdom, came down the aisle and stood by the man, we’ll call him Foolish, seated directly in front of me. Foolish stood up to let Wisdom into the row whereupon Wisdom politely said, “I have the seat you’re in.” Foolish quickly replied “No you don’t…”

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Mercy triumphs over Judgment

“‘Mercy triumphs over Judgment’ Mankind’s sentence now appealed; From the holy God offended, Righteousness has been revealed! Glory to the Justifier! Praise His great and gracious plan; Bless the holy love of God, Who gave His...

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John Stott on Propitiation

“It is God himself who in holy wrath needs to be propitiated, God himself who in holy love undertook to do the propitiating, and God himself who in the person of his Son died for the propitiation of our sins. Thus God took...

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